2019 REU Field Trip Departure Instruction - Bayou Startup Showcase

  1. We will meet at the front driveway outside Moody Tower at 1:45 pm on Thursday afternoon (Aug. 1st), and leave campus by 2:00 pm. As we have discussed, three drivers kindly offer the rides for the rest of the group to go to the Bayou Startup Showcase together. Please make sure to arrive on time, and we will ask the driver to leave as soon as his car is full. To navigate to the location, you are free to open this coordinates on your phone for the navigation. I will be the point of contact on Aug. 1st, please don't hesitate to contact me if you have any questions.
Acknowledgement: This project is sponsored by NSF under awards NSF-0453498, NSF-0755500, NSF-1062954, NSF-1359199 and NSF-1659755. Special thanks to the following UH offices for providing financial support to the project: Department of Computer Science; College of Natural Sciences and Mathematics; Dean of Graduate and Professional Studies; VP for Research; and the Provost's Office. The University of Houston is an equal opportunity/affirmative action institution. Women and underrepresented minority students are strongly encouraged to apply.